Municipal Court

Pay Tickets Online

To pay a Traffic Ticket online:
(you will need to have the court I.D., the ticket number; and the vehicle's tags)


Who is the judge?
Charles Carro serves as the Judge for all four towns.

Who works for the Court?
Court Administrator -Orchid Santana

Deputy Court Administrator - Jammillah Alexis

Who is the Prosecutor?
Norman Albert, Esq. is the prosecutor for all four towns.

Who is the Public Defender?
Donald Farino, Esq., for Mansfield Township and Washington Township 
Scott M. Wilhelm, Esq., for Oxford Township and Borough of Washington

If I need to talk to the Judge and/or the Prosecutor about my case?
You may speak with the Prosecutor on your court date. The Judge is prohibited from speaking to either party prior to the disposition of the case. 

When are you open?
The Mansfield Twp., Washington Twp., Oxford Twp., and Borough of Washington Municipal
Court hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

What is your mailing address and phone number?
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
908-689-9004 fax

When is my payment due?
The payment is due by the court date listed at the bottom of the ticket.

Who do I write my check to?
If you received a Mansfield Township ticket, make your check payable to Mansfield Township Municipal Court.
If you received a Washington Township ticket, make your check payable to Washington Township Municipal Court.
If you received a Oxford Township ticket, make your check payable to Oxford Township Municipal Court.
If you received a Washington Borough ticket, make your check payable to Washington Borough Municipal Court.

How much is this ticket?
The State Wide Violations Schedule lists all Payable violations. You can access this list by the internet at:, or you may call the court.

Can I pay by phone?

When do you have court?
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month for Mansfield Township Sessions beginning at 9:00 a.m.
2nd and 4th Monday of each month for Washington Township at 9:00 a.m., Oxford Township at 11:00 a.m., and the Borough of Washington at 1:30 p.m.

How many points does this ticket have?

Municipal Court Employees are prohibited from giving you this information. However, if you access there is a listing of the points assessed for specific violations by The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

Will this be reported to my insurance company?
A recorded of all moving violation is reported weekly to New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. You may wish to contact your insurance carrier as to how point information is relayed to them from the MVC.

I don’t have the full amount for this ticket. Can I pay in installments?

Partial payments cannot be accepted on payments received through the violations bureau. In order to receive a partial payment agreement, you must appear in court. However, short extension period may be granted if you need additional time to pay the summons in full. Call the court to discuss your situation and possible options.

When is my partial payment installment due?

Everyone’s due date is different. The due date is the date you appeared in court. For example if you appeared on January 3rd, and you are making installments every month, you payments are due on the 3rd of every month.

What happens if I don’t have the full payment or my payment is late?
Delinquent notices are generated each week for those accounts that are past due, or when a payment is received that is less than the amount due. If your payments fails to “catch-up”with the payment schedule, a delinquent notice will generate and be mailed to you. Failure to maintain a partial payment agreement will result in suspension of your driving privileges and/or a warrant for your arrest. Additional cost may be incurred.

I am not working right now; can I get a public defender?

When you appear in court to have your first appearance (to enter a plea), please request 5A form Financial Disclosure Form from the court administrator. You will need to complete this form immediately so that it can be presented to the Judge for a determination of your eligibility for a public defender.
Only the Judge can determine if you are eligible for the services of the public defender. Your income is only one criteria that the Judge uses to determine your eligibility. The Judge will review the charges against you in order to determine if a conviction of this charge would result in a “Consequence of Magnitude”. If that possibility exists, the Judge may appoint the Public Defender after reviewing the completed 5A form submitted by the defendant.

What is a “Consequence of Magnitude”?
A conviction of an offense resulting in a “Consequence of Magnitude” would consist of:
1. Any sentence of imprisonment.
2. Any period of (a) driver’s license suspension, (b) suspension of the defendant’s non-resident reciprocity privileges or (c) driver’s license ineligibility; or
3. Any monetary sanction imposed by the court of $750.00 or greater in the aggregate, except for any public defender application fee. A monetary sanction is defined as the aggregate of any type of court imposed financial obligation, including fine, cost, restitution, penalties and/or assessments.

I need to file a complaint, how do I do that?
The municipal court is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., to accept your filing of a complaint.

What charges can I make against this person?
Municipal court staff cannot help you in the preparation of your complaint. We can advise you on how to complete the forms, but we cannot tell you what to put on them. We will give you manuals to help you decide what charges to file, but we cannot tell you what charge to file. You must understand that the Municipal Court must remain as a neutral party and we are prohibited from saying anything that would constitute “legal advice”.

When will this be scheduled for court?
It is Judge Carro’s policy to refer all eligible citizen non-indictable complaints to the “community Dispute Resolution Program” as a first step in resolution of any incident.

What kind of complaints won’t be referred to the Community Dispute Resolution Program?
Any complaint that is indictable charge, a traffic violation or any complaint involving domestic violence will not be referred to the Community Dispute Resolution Program. Any complaint signed by an officer cannot be referred to the Community Dispute Resolution Program. All other complaints of Disorderly Persons and Petty Disorderly offenses, as well as local violations will be referred to the Community Dispute Resolution Program.

What is the Community Dispute Resolution Program?
The Community Dispute Resolution Program is mediation; a forum with the participation of local citizens, to resolve minor disputes between parties which would otherwise have to be referred to the Municipal Court. The procedure results in the following:
1. It encourages citizen participation in local community problems.
2. It avoids the possibility of a defendant obtaining a criminal record which may not be appropriate for a relatively minor infraction.
3. It provides a forum for the parties to mutually resolve their differences and to shape a solution rather than impose a penalty.
4. It results in a better community and a better understanding of the judicial system.

What if I don’t want to participate in the “Community Dispute Resolution Program”?
Judge Carro orders both parties in a conflict to attend the Community Dispute Resolution Program. Should either party fail to appear, court sanctions may be imposed.

What happen at this Community Dispute Resolution Program?

Both parties meet together with a group of three mediators. Each side has approximately 15 minutes to present his/her side of the situation. The mediators try to work out an amicable solution to the problem.

What happens if we don’t come to an agreement?
If the mediators are unable to help resolve the matter through an agreement between the parties, it will be scheduled for another court date to appear before Judge Carro.

What happens if we come to an agreement?
Judge Carro will dismiss the summons.

What happens if he/she violates the agreement?

The original complaint would have been dismissed. You must file a new complaint with the municipal court. This new complaint would not be referred to the Community Dispute Resolution Program.

Court Dates

Calendar Mansfield Court
Date Jan 14, 2025
Washington Twp Court
Jan 21, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Oxford Township and Washington Boro Court
Jan 21, 2025 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Mansfield Court
Jan 28, 2025

Municipal Court Info

Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Shared Municipal Court

Mansfield Township,
Borough of Washington,
Washington Township,
Oxford Township Municipal Court

908-689-9004 fax

Court is held on:
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Mansfield Township Sessions

2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
Washington Township at 9:00 am
Oxford Township at 11:00 am
Borough of Washington at 1:30 pm

Court Staff

Orchid Santana
Court Administrator

Norman Albert
Municipal Prosecutor

Jammillah Alexis

Deputy Court Administrator

Donald Farino
Public Defender-Mansfield and Washington Townships

Scott M. Wilhelm
Public Defender-Oxford Township & Borough of Washington

Court Forms

Some of these forms are in PDF, Portable Document Format. To view or print these you can download for no charge Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may also use Adobe's Online Conversion Tool to convert these forms to plain text. All other forms should be able to be read by your computer. If you have problems, please contact us and we will send them to you.

Financial Questionaire to establish indigency-Municipal Courts is used to determine eligiblity for appointment of a Public Defender or to request time payments after sentencing.

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

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In case of emergency, dial 911
For non-emergencies, dial

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