Land Use Board
The Land Use Board functions under the authority of the Municipal Land Use Law of New Jersey. The Board charts the future of the Township by examining existing and potential development in the community in accordance with state and local regulations. The Board is authorized to:
- Create and Adopt a Master Plan, which is subject to re-examination every ten years.
- Review all major and minor Subdivision and Site Plan applications
- Review Conditional use applications
- Recommend amendments to land use ordinances for submission to Township Committee
- Review requests for variances
The Land Use Board consists of nine members as follows:
- One Class I member (The Mayor or his designee)
- One Class II member (Township Official other than Township Committee member)
- One Class III member (Member of the Township Committee)
- Five Class IV members (Citizens of the Township appointed by the Mayor)
- Four Alternate Members (Citizens of the Township appointed by the Mayor to fill positions on the Board when needed)
Meetings are typically held on the third Monday of the month at 7:30pm.
Forms and Documents
- Application Form (MS Word, PDF)
W-9 submit with escrow - Fee Schedule
- Land Use Board Variance Checklist
- Minor Subdivision Plat Checklist
- Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Checklist
- Major Subdivision Final Plat Checklist
- Major Subdivision Improvement & Utility Plan Checklist
- Master Plan 1999
- Master Plan Reexamination 2001
- Master Plan Reexamination 2008
- Master Plan Reexamination 2018
- Master Plan Reexamination 2021
Upcoming Meetings
Land Use Board Members
Robert Jewell, Chairperson, Class II
Term Expires 12/31/2025
JoAnn Griffith, Secretary
(908) 689-6151 ext 111
(908) 689-2840 fax