Tax Assessor

Administration function consists of the following: maintaining and updating assessment records, maintaining tax maps in conjunction with the township engineer, sales analysis for equalization of school aid, processing applications for exemptions and deductions including veterans, senior citizens, disabled persons and other legally tax-exempt properties and defending assessment appeals filed against the township.

Appraisal function consists of the following: field inspections, structural measurements, value calculation, sales analysis, market trend studies and income and expense analysis

Property Information:  CLICK HERE

Important Dates

Oct. 1: Valuations of taxable and exempt property completed.

Jan. 10: Deadline for filing list of values with County Board of Taxation. The list is made available for public inspection 10 days before filing. Notices of changes in assessment are sent within 30 days.

April 1: Deadline for filing tax appeals.


Farmland Assessment Application

Woodland Assessment Application

Supplemental Farmland Assessment Gross Sales Form

Tax Assessor Info

Jason Laliker, CTA
(908) 689-6151 x117

Office Hours- By Appointment Only 

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

Public Safety

In case of emergency, dial 911
For non-emergencies, dial

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