Township Clerk

About the Township Clerk

The Township Municipal Clerk's Office is the "Doorway to Local Government".  The Township Municipal Clerk is one of th​e oldest public servants in local government.  Over the years, Municipal Clerks have become the hub of government, the direct link between the residents of their community and their government.  The Clerk is the historian of the community, for the entire recorded history of the Township and its people are in his or her care.  The Township of Mansfield Clerk's Office looks forward to serving the residents and citizens of our community.

Secretary of the Municipal Government

  • Serves as executive secretary to the Township Committee

  • Custodian of the municipal seal

  • Maintains custody of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, and archival records of the municipal corporation

  • Attest to the signatures of municipal officers and officials

  • Maintain receipt of service of legal documents

Secretary to the Governing Body

  • Prepares and files Township Committee Agendas and Minutes

  • Maintains Township Code Book, ordinances, resolutions, and contracts

  • Administer and record oaths of office

  • Process, record, file, and when necessary, advertise ordinances, resolutions, and the municipal budget

Chief Administrative Officer of all elections held in the Municipality

  • Certify vacancies at a local level

  • Maintain receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition

  • Furnish material for local elections

  • Suggest polling places

  • Maintain receipt of election results

Chief Registrar of Voters in the Municipality

  • Registers voters and supervises the handling of elections

Administrative Officer

  • Issues various permits and licenses required under state statutes and local ordinance

Records Coordinator & Manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated

Other duties that may be imposed by state statutes and regulations or municipal ordinances or regulations

The office also processes Vital Statistics requests and maintains all birth, marriage and death records for any of these events that occurred in the Township.

Notary Public Services offered for most documents except Wills, I-9 Forms and Power of Attorney Forms. Please call prior 908-689-6151 prior to coming to ensure services are available or if there are any questions. 


The purpose of the NO KNOCK Registry, established by Ordinance #03-2024, is to permit residents to prohibit persons and entities from canvassing, soliciting, peddling, or attempted door-to-door sales on their premises. The Registry will consist of a list containing the street number and street name ONLY. No name or other personal information shall be included on the registry. Please note this registry will be distributed to solicitors granted a solicitor's License by the Township of Mansfield. Civic and religious groups are exempt from requiring a solicitor's license within the Township of Mansfield. A residence sahll remain on the registry until a written request is made to the Township Clerk to have the residence removed from the Registry.



Animal Licensing

On October 26, 2022, The Township Committee adopted Ordinance 2022-23 which no longer requires cats to be licensed.  We do recommend you keep your cats current on rabies for health and safety reasons.

Dogs are still required to be licensed.  
⋅ Dogs must be licensed starting at 7 months of age
⋅ New dogs can be registered with this form, along with proof of rabies vaccine current through November 1st of the licensing year.  
⋅ Renewal Reminders for dogs that are licensed will be sent at the end of December.  Rabies must be good through November 1st of the licensing year or a new license CAN NOT be issued.

$13 for intact dogs
$10 for spayed/neutered dogs
A late fee of $5 will be assessed beginning February 1st, and will accrue monthly on the 1st of each month that the license renewal is late.

Anyone who fails to license their dog by May 1st will be subject to a summons from the Animal Control Officer with a mandatory court appearance.

For any questions, please call 908-689-6151 ext 128

Vital Statistics 

Before you call to schedule your appointment, you must have:

1) A ceremony date
2) An officiant to marry you
3) Both applicants and a witness (18 or older) with valid photo ID (that shows your CURRENT address) will need to be present for the appointment.  

Marriage Licenses are between 9am and 4pm by appointment only. Please call 908-689-6151 ext 128 to schedule an appointment. 

Marriage License Information Requirements - English

Marriage License Information Requirements - Spanish
Application for Marriage license - English 

Application for Marriage License-Spanish

Certified Copy Request Application (birth, death, marriage) - $10 each

Certified Copy Request Application- Spanish

We can only provide certified copies of events that took place in the Township of Mansfield

Voter Information


Obtain an application to register to vote in New Jersey HERE

For Warren County residents, return this form to:
Warren County Commissioner of Registration
202 Mansfield Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823

Declare a political party affiliation, or declare you do not wish to be affiliated with any political party or group HERE

For Warren County residents, return this form to:
Warren County Election Board
202 Mansfield Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823

To obtain an application for an Mail-In Ballot, if you are a civilian or military resident of Warren County and will not be able to make it to your polling place on Election Day. HERE

For Warren County residents, return this form to:
Warren County Clerk’s Office
413 Second St.
Belvidere, NJ 07823

To obtain an Opt-Out form to remove yourself from the Vote By Mail Program. HERE

For Warren County residents, return this form to:
Warren County Clerk’s Office
413 Second St.
Belvidere, NJ 07823

To obtain an affirmation concerning a deceased voter form to notify the Board of Elections that a family member has passed away. HERE

For Warren County residents, return this form to:
Warren County Commissioner of Registration
202 Mansfield Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823

Township Clerk Info

Office Hours
Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5:00pm.
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Wendy Barras
Township Clerk
Township Registrar
(908) 689-6151 x128

Leigh Raffaele
Deputy Township Clerk
Deputy Registrar
(908) 689-6151 x100


You can now access Adopted Ordinances and Adopted Resolutions at any time.  Contact the Township Clerk's Office if you would like a certified copy of any ordinance or resolution.

Adopted Ordinances - Click HERE
Adopted Resolutions - Click HERE

Township Forms

Our Location

Township of Mansfield
100 Port Murray Road
Port Murray, NJ 07865
Phone: (908) 689-6151
Fax: (908) 689-2840

Public Safety

In case of emergency, dial 911
For non-emergencies, dial

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